fredag 22 juli 2011

Asha vs Druj (Relevance vs Irrelevance)

Sure thing!
The interesting opposition is not "truth" vs "lie" but rather "relevance" vs "irrelevance".
What we need to do philosophically is to connect "relevance" with "constructivity" and as its opposite couple connect "irrelevance" with "destructivity". Then we have better and more relevant (!) translations of "asha" and "druj" too.

2011/7/23 Special Kain

I think we're all pop cultural nomads today in the sense that we have joined different subcultures at different times. We discover something else and we choose to adopt a new set of identities that are in tune with these newly discovered subcultures. Or we co-create something new with like-minded people either online or in the so-called "real world". I have always been part of different subcultures both online and offline. Both online and offline subcultures had a strong impact on who I have become.

Frankly, I don't see any state of mind as more natural than another. This is where I agree with John Dewey and Richard Rorty. Zoroastrian ontology is not "truer" than any other ontology. It's just a vocabulary that creates more possibilities than restraints. And that's why I have chosen to fully identify with Zoroastrian philosophy!


--- Alexander Bard schrieb am Fr, 22.7.2011:

And there is a lot of evidence that the situation was similar in China and India. It is Taoism which predates Confucianism and not the other way round. Just as Brahmanism is older than Hinduism. As Gilles Deleuze has pointed out: Process philosophy is natural for nomads. It was only with the introduction of feudal ownership of agriculture and permanent settlements that static models were required and popularized. Modern technology is reintroducing us to nomadism again, we are becoming technological primitivists, as Brian Eno has pointed out. Time to rediscover nomad thought then!


2011/7/22 Special Kain

I think there was process philosophy only before the Greeks got obsessed with static models. I guess Plato was deeply frustrated with Athenian society. His philosophy was a neurotic expression of his very own escapism!
It took such travellers as early American settlers, Spinoza and Nietzsche to reintroduce process philosophy into western thought. ;-)

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