måndag 17 augusti 2009

Getting rid of Plato (to think like Zarathushtra)

Please note how profound Zarathushtra's chain of causes and effects is:
You talk like you think, you act like you talk, you therefore are what you think in the sense of this being the starting point of a creative process than becomes its own feedback loop.
Therefore, we are MAZDAYASNI, we identify with this process, it is a constant process (non-linear too) of PRODUCING And in this sense CREATING a self, which is never there beforehand to be actualized.
Getting rid of Plato is hard but this is what we must do to get at Zarathushtra's thinking. Which is why so many of us here stress that for westerners to understand this process it often helps to have studied the classic western anti-Platonists first: Spinoza and Nietzsche most of all. They are Zarathushtra's philosophical brethren.

2009/8/16 irisfilpot

OH OK I Think I get it. It's a subtle difference in thinking. The self isn't being actualized because it is recreated.

--- In Ushta@yahoogroups.com, Alexander Bard wrote:
> I think what Dino is trying to say is that "self-actualization" is not a
> Zoroastrian but a modern idea. Zoroastrianism is much more concerned with
> "self-production". There is no self involved here to actualize, there are
> only a series of selfs beung created by ourselves (and our environment) and
> this is what Zoroastrian ethics is concerned with. This is why we can't shop
> our way to an identity as Mazdayasni, we can only think, talk and act our
> way to an ever-changing identity. So while using Rory's terminology, the
> reason why Zoroastrian take to biodiversity so easily is because our ethics
> makes DIVERSITY IN ITSELF a good and desireable thing. Be many, not just
> one. Oh, and by the way, human beings can destroy the planet, we do have a
> responsibility for this. But Nature can potentially destroy nature too.
> Meteorites, volcanoes etc. Could be worth keepibg in mind even if it doesn't
> change our ethical imperative to protect and take care of the planet one
> bit.
> Ushta
> Alexander

1 kommentar:

liebera sa...

… ARMY OF LOVERS’ CLONES are as French résistance. French communist Michael romances with positive lad from positive French Gestapo. Local stripper Sarah is busy worker. Female Polizei is in jealousy. Unhonest Owner of Milk Factory is only one negative person. There is no blood and horrors in the story that is the result of mobilistic philosophy. Do you want Whole Clip script, Alex? And what about the Romanovs and The communists who live in complete peace or BWO, VACCUUM and ARMY OF LOVERS members as heroes of fancy tales?

…What are scientists Children of the knowledge Primal seed of cosmical machine Schemes and terms from sky laboratories Investigation‘s brought by Creator‘s wit
Physical aspect and lace of metaphysic
Supreme touch urges to create
Science wit knows sense of moving
But Divine can’t be proved by theme

Dear Alex, here is a trifle example my creation and tribute to VACUUM. I’m an author of great amount of poems that are close to your ideas, especially to NETOCRACY. And I want you to be acquainted with them. Please, give me your i-mail, where I can send you in privacy (not for all other net users) I’m real fabric of different ideas and thoughts. It’s very important for me!!! I’m very responsive person! Send your answer on ‘prototype2004@gmail.com”.
I’ll be waiting for your news!