onsdag 18 augusti 2010

Mehr Afzoon (was: Philosophical vs Religious Zoroastrianism)

Peace is a concept provided by others. Presumably some kind of God. It is a negative reaction to wish peace rather than an active participation.
Love is an activity that indeed does not occur unless it is a product of something done. It is a concept only possible through one's own action. And only maintained through one's own actions.
The difference speaks volumes about the basic premises of the religions involved.
Mehr Afzoon

2010/8/18 Parviz Varjavand

Dear Alex,

I also love Mehr Afzoon. Afzoon is almost a command, it is like cheering you to push harder and increase something rather than deal with it as a static given. Love can not be a static given, it is something that we need to push and push to broaden its dimensions and range. Some persons say "I have never fallen in love" or "how does one fall in love?". My answer is "By trying hard and every day trying harder until you set yourself on fire over it".

The Jews and the Arabs have been saying Sallam and Shallom (meaning Peace) to every one and each other for ages, but has this made them any more peaceful persons? If they would only try to love one another a very little bit at first and then increase the tempo of this very irrational act by a little bit every day, they might be surprised of what it may do for them in the long run. May the quality of your love never regress to a static standstill, may it always increase in quantity and quality, may it be Afzoon.

Mehr Afzoon,
Parviz Varjavand

--- On Tue, 8/17/10, Alexander Bard wrote:

From: Alexander Bard
Subject: [Ushta] Mehr Afzoon (was: Philosophical vs Religious Zoroastrianism)
To: Ushta@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, August 17, 2010, 1:04 AM

Dear Parviz and Khvetu

"Mehr Afzoon" is the most beautiful greeting phrase I know.
Both phonetically and literally.
Like many Zoroastrian phrases it also encapsulates the ethos of Mazdayasna in one simple phrase.
The will to uphold Civilization and the desire to expand it, as a deep emotion, a genuine pathos pushing the ethos, from within.

Mehr Afzoon indeed

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